Lennie was a little too harsh with the pup, but he doesn't know his own strength so I guess its understandable. But after he realizes the pup is dead he tried to cover it up with hay, he's was not too worried about the dead pup he was more worried about me not letting him tend to the rabbits. Curley's wife went into the barn while me and the guys were outside playing a game of horseshoe. She tried giving him advice on not worrying about the pup, because that it was just a mutt and could get one somewhere else. She started telling him how she could of been a movie star, Lennie then starts telling her how he likes to pet soft things. So she let him pet her hair, but he was too rough. She got startled and began to scream, but he grabbed her and accidentally broke her neck. Trying to cover her up with hay, he soon remembered my instructions on where to go when things get bad so he goes and hides. Candy came into the barn and sees Curley's wife, he runs to go and get me. I told him that Lennie didn't do it out of meanness, he probably didn't mean it, since he doesn't know his strength.
" Lennie never done it in meanness, I said. All the time he done bad things, but never done on of 'em mean." This is where I told Candy that Lennie did not kill Curley's wife on purpose.
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